Saturday 3 November 2018

The experiment so far

Blogging about writing is something I've wanted to do for a long time. For NaNoWriMo this year I set myself an ambitious goal: 30 posts in 30 days, in an attempt to motivate myself to start. 3 days into November, and 4 posts into my blog (including one unpublished) I've run into my first significant obstacle:

It's not tenable for me to continue posting once a day while holding myself to a standard that I find acceptable. My first two posts I was able to take considerably longer to pick through my thoughts, but the following two I had only 2 hours of free time to produce the content. It's just not enough. Furthermore, writing 30 different topics was spreading me thin, as many of the topics I had planned overlap or are directly related to other posts.

The positive reception I've had with the first two posts let me know without a doubt that this is something I want to continue doing. I love talking about aspects of writing with other writers, and sharing my thoughts and experiences in the hopes someone might benefit.

So, giving up is definitely not on the table, rather I'm going to focus my efforts on producing higher effort posts with more rounded and complete points. In the spirit of NaNo I'll still be working on my blog every day, but posts won't be daily. At this point I don't know what release schedule will work for me, but I'm hoping to get out one or two per week, perhaps with some additional content between.

And in the spirit of this blog: have another quick doodle.

Cheers, and write something every day.